Whites Say Violence Is Not The Answer Except Between The Years 1492 and 1970


Protesters not being violent

The majority of white Americans say they are not in favor of violence except when it was used between the years 1492 and 1970 or in countries where Muslims live.

“Of course we had to use some violence in the old days to help build our great nation exactly the way we wanted it,” says irate and wildly ill-informed white person Jennifer Handley, “How else could we get a solid foothold in this country without forcing people to farm the crops, lay the railroads, erect the buildings?

“It’s just such a shame that black folks can’t get the police to carry out their violence for them like we do.”

Another perpetually-annoyed white person with a feeble grasp of history, Robert Green agreed.

“Violence back then was a different kind of violence,” says Green, “It was more mature and cultivated and probably ordained by God.

“It was the good kind of violence and not the bad kind of violence we’re seeing on our streets tonight.

“Besides, how often do you see us whites using violence to achieve our aims except when we colonized over half the planet, caused the Holocaust, Hiroshima, Jim Crow, Transatlantic Slavery and started countless military invasions like Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, Vietnam and numerous battles throughout European history?

“Apart from those examples it hardly ever happens.”

Handley and Green both agreed that blacks should follow Martin Luther King’s non-violent example. Presumably before he was needlessly slaughtered by a white person.

By Veggies (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons