White Lesbian Couple Fear People Might Think They Slept With A Black Man

Pregnant woman

“I’ll take any color as long as it’s not black.”

A white lesbian couple from Ohio are suing a sperm bank after one of the women became pregnant using sperm donated by a African American and now they fear that some people might think that one of them slept with a black man.

Jennifer Crumblett and her partner, Amanda Rinkon are looking for a payout of $5,000,000 for the shame and embarrassment caused by other white people thinking that one of them might have engaged in such behavior.

Crumblett said: “Imagine you’re walking down the street with a mixed-race baby. What’s the first thing that comes into the minds of other passers-by when they see us?

“I don’t want people thinking I would stoop so low. No siree!”

Rinkon added: “What if people think we hang out with black people and that we have black friends. That’s not the vibe I want to give out.

“I don’t want the folks of this good conservative town thinking we’re like that.

“Already, the ladies of the cake-making circle are looking at me in a funny way and calling me a piece of trash, but when I explain the mix-up they say they’re gonna pray for me as if I have some sort of disease.

“I feel just like that lady who jumped off the mountain in Birth Of A Nation.

Crumblett concluded: “It’s unfortunate that our baby will have to grow up being discriminated against, shunned by most of society, threatened with violence and treated differently because of who she is.

“Unlike us, of course.”