“Where were you born?”
Fox News claim they have irrefutable evidence that comedian and new Daily Show host Trevor Noah was born in Africa it was revealed last night.
An anonymous spokesman for the channel said: “We have it on very good authority that this Trevor Noah person was not born in the United States.
“Our reliable sources in the birther movement say he was born in the southern part of Africa in a place commonly known as South Africa and he speaks strange languages like Xhosa and Afrikaans to other Africans just like him.
“We therefore challenge Noah to reveal his birth certificate and put these rumors to rest.
“We demand to see his birth certificate. Why won’t he show it? What does he have to hide?”
As news of the discovery spread throughout the Internet, the Poo Research Center published results of a poll that shows a staggering 100% of Americans believe Noah was definitely born in Africa.
If these rumors are substantiated then his hosting of the popular Comedy Central show could be called into question by Republicans like Donald Trump and Sarah Palin.
In addition to the questions surrounding his birth the Fox News spokesman also claimed that Noah’s middle name might be ‘Hussein’.
Noah was unavailable for comment as he has travelled to South Africa on what he claims is just a ‘vacation’.
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