Global Smugness Levels Rise In The Wake Of The Charleston Shooting

Smugness Index

The levels are out of control.

Global misplaced smugness levels have risen dramatically in the wake of the Charleston shooting with many countries quick to condemn the United States for its terrible treatment of black people despite many of the same countries treating black people just as badly, if not worse.

The International Smugness Center which monitors global smugness levels and who publishes the annual Global Smugness Index said that levels relating to American racism have risen to peak smug-ocity on the smug-o-meter with an equally dramatic rise in European finger-pointing and Asian gloating.

Countries who really have a bloody cheek pointing out America’s anti-black racism considering their own rotten treatment of black people going back in some cases for hundreds of years include the UK, Sweden, France, Australia, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, Denmark, Holland, Portugal, Belgium, China and almost all of Latin America.

Many of the national newspapers in these places ran articles with headlines such as ‘America’s Race Shame’ and ‘The United States Of Hate’ while blithely ignoring the discrimination against blacks happening right now on their own doorstep. According to the International Smugness Center this can only be described as ‘inappropriately self-satisfied’.

As long as the US is in focus, most of the countries ranking high on the Global Smugness Index hope to continue displaying a thoroughly incorrect and wrong-headed sense of self-righteousness combined with a holier-than-thou attitude.

According to officials at the Smugness Center, typing the European slave trade, colonialism, the scramble for Africa and the rise of the European far-right into Google could help dissipate smugness levels if they get too unmanageable.