Police And KKK To Merge


To protect and serve and start a race war.

Police departments across the country have been given the green light to merge with local chapters of the Ku Klux Klan it was announced today.

The two organizations have admired each other’s work from afar for decades and will now unite into one terrifying brotherhood.

The new merger will see police incorporating klannish ‘patrolling’ methods while allowing klan members the right to carry out discreet, night time police work or ‘raids’ as they’re known in klanspeak.

The first force to merge is the LAPD which has been pushing for a merger since the early 1900s.

Grand Wizard of the Hollywood klan Waylon Specter said: “The klan were the cops of the good old days and the cops are the klan of today so it makes sense we should join forces against those we don’t like the look of. By that I mean criminals. Honest.

“In our heyday the cops helped us do our thing by giving us early access to criminals prior to any of this guilty or innocent trial nonsense. We hope to have the same early access out on the streets today.”

Many policemen are in fact klan members and klan philosophies have slowly seeped into the police code of conduct and behaviors right up to the highest level of the force.

Local black teacher Kenneth Rawlston said: “I thought they merged ages ago. I haven’t been able to tell the difference since…actually, I’ve never been able to tell the difference.”

The LAPD motto has now changed from ‘To Protect And Serve’ to ‘We’re Out To Get You’ and there will be a new uniform when the merger is finalized but whether the infamous klan hood is adopted remains to be seen.

Upon hearing the news black membership of the NRA increased 10,000 percent overnight with many blacks purchasing hundreds of rounds of ammunition and weaponry to protect themselves from the new police/klan hybrid.

Kenneth Rawlston continues: “I guess the police will do just as good a job protecting us now as they did before.”

Image: JPL Designs / Shutterstock.com