White Women Warned Not To Watch Will Smith Movie


She can’t take her eyes off him!

White women are being warned against seeing the new Will Smith movie Focus, as reports suggest that after watching the film, they develop an insatiable and dangerous desire for sex with black men.

White men claim the film’s hot scenes of steamy vanilla/chocolate lovemaking has sent millions of innocent and otherwise normal white women into a salivating, lust-fueled frenzy with many taking to the streets eager to violently indulge their thirst to ‘go black’.

Jackson Grady of Delaware, the first person to report the issue, said: “My daughter watched that film last night and she hasn’t been the same since.

“She stopped practicing the violin and seems to be taking a keen interest in watching basketball in her underwear while licking her lips.”

Connor Rufus of Arkansas took his wife to see the movie but was unprepared for her transformation. He warned the rest of white America that if their wives and daughters see this movie, they’ll regret it for the rest of their lives.

Rufus said: “My wife went black, and guess what, she never came back!”

He’s now forming a support group to try and save the women of his neighborhood from further ‘blackening’.

A Republican spokesman who doesn’t want to be identified claims the film contains subliminal messages urging white women to find a black partner and procreate in order to spawn a master race of Obamas hell bent on global destruction, although he had no evidence to support this except hearing it on Fox News.

The film joins a long list of things that could ‘turn’ white women including listening to calypso music featuring loud bongos, eating food that is ‘jerked’ and having two names that begin with the letter K.